Let us help you rank #1 on Google with our proven custom SEO strategies


If you landed on this SEO page, chances are you did a Google search for Mayfair SEO.
You found HeeDeeStudios because we practice what we teach and understand the most important ranking factors on Google. With a customized SEO approach month to month, Google ranks us #1 and offers the same for your business.
As a leading Marylebone SEO company, our experts create personalized SEO programs that use cutting-edge approaches and successful SEO strategies to deliver proven results for organizations of all sizes and sectors.
At HeeDeeStudios, we have perfected both the art and science of delivering organic traffic and quality leads to a company’s website, with the goal of achieving marketing objectives and providing a favorable return on investment.
We pride ourselves on being a top Marylebone SEO company, ensuring that we exceed marketing and business goals through our expert strategies.
When you choose HeeDeeStudios, you’re partnering with a premier Marylebone SEO company dedicated to your digital success. We’ve mastered the techniques needed to drive traffic and generate quality leads, surpassing expectations every time.

seo audit MAYFAIR

Great website design

When designing and developing your website, it is critical to keep SEO in mind. It must load quickly, be simple to use, and be compatible with mobile devices (responsive).

Page Speed

Potential clients are lost when a website takes longer than a few seconds to load. Furthermore, the speed of a website is one of the primary signals used by Google’s algorithm to rank sites. Page speed and user experience are important considerations.

Quality & relevant content

Having high-quality, consistently updated material is sometimes underestimated. However, the most crucial component is high-quality relevant information, especially when working with a Marylebone SEO company, since search engines want to give exactly what the consumer is looking for.

Website Security

Your website’s security is another crucial ranking element. Having a secure (SSL) certificate on your website shows search engines that it is trustworthy.

Website Structure

It is critical to consider how your website is constructed, created, and linked together. Your website must be simple to use, easy to browse, and have relevant material. If people find it simple to use, search engines may begin to display what you have to offer.

Keyword Rich Content

You must optimise your website content and ensure that all of your website language, photos, titles, descriptions, and links include the keywords for which you want to be discovered.




Massachusetts based Dog toy company needed to rank for key terms “Spring Pole”, “Spring pole for dogs” and “Tug toy for dogs”. The dog toy industry is highly competitive, however with the expertise at HeeDeeStudios we managed to help them rank to the first page for two out of three keywords within the first two months. They have since since seen an astonishing growth in sales due to sheer increase in organic clicks.


organic keywords ranked for


increase in organic search traffic


1. We learn about your business.

Everything begins with a phone call. We’ll chat to you about your company, your goals (such as whether you want to target local customers or grow global), and the best strategy for your budget.

2. Our SEO team gets to work.

Our SEO experts will make frequent SEO adjustments to your website after doing a site analysis and analysing your target market.

3. Watch your traffic grow.

SEO requires time. It is not an overnight success. Clients that have made the investment, on the other hand, have seen their search rank climb from 100+ to top ten in a matter of months.


We will create a custom SEO strategy based on your £750/month budget.

Campaign Setup And Optimization

🗸 Website Audit

🗸 Custom SEO Strategy

🗸 Keyword Research

🗸 On-Page SEO

🗸 Off-Page SEO

🗸 Link Building

🗸 Monthly Reporting


We will create a custom SEO strategy based on your £1,500/month budget.

Campaign Setup And Optimization

🗸 Website Audit

🗸 Custom SEO Strategy

🗸 Keyword Research

🗸 On-Page SEO

🗸 Off-Page SEO

🗸 Link Building

🗸 Monthly Reporting


We will create a custom SEO strategy based on your £3,000+/month budget

Campaign Setup And Optimization

🗸 Website Audit

🗸 Custom SEO Strategy

🗸 Keyword Research

🗸 On-Page SEO

🗸 Off-Page SEO

🗸 Link Building

🗸 Monthly Reporting


Here are some of our most frequently answered SEO questions and answers.

As you may know, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. But what does that mean? And what does search engine optimization entail? In short, SEO is focused upon acquiring website traffic and high search result rankings organically. By organic, we mean without paying for web traffic via pay-per-click ads, among other methods. Within SEO, there’s a wide variety of strategies to accomplish the aforementioned goals—some of which are more effective than others. This could be anything from developing website content around keywords related to your industry to maintaining a strong presence across multiple social media platforms. SEO practices and strategies are constantly changing to remain effective as internet search engines continuously update algorithms.

To answer this question our SEO team would need to know more information about your business. We can tell you one thing though, from our years of analysing thousands of SEO campaigns, the biggest reason why most campaigns fail (possibly yours in the past too), is that the company fails to properly assess the amount of work required to get you a great result and ROI.

To answer this question depends greatly on where you are today, what SEO has been done before, and what your competition levels are like.As a general rule of thumb, most websites on page 2 can be brought to the first page inside 3 months. As for a brand new website, you’re looking closer to 6+ months to get good first page rankings on competitive keywords.During that time your leads and traffic will increase gradually and regularliy, but the big wins are once you hit the top half of the first page.

Generally more than you could ever imagine. We’ve had clients grow their online sales by 1000% in 16-months, which represented an ROI of over 20X. However, the true value in SEO is that the traffic and leads you acquire last for a very long time.

For example – our SEO specialists did the calculations and a Plumber in London, from a 12-month custom SEO campaign could receive over 25X their money back in profit over the 12-months after their campaign is completed. Yet in the following 12-months, when they aren’t spending on SEO, their ROI jumps as high as 50X!

Our team of SEO specialists will get you to the best possible position for your market, and flood your business with new organic traffic. From our years of SEO experience, it’s better to focus on ranking your business for the right keywords than just chasing #1’s. If #1 is possible for the right terms, then we’ll give it everything to get you there.

If SEO hasn’t worked then one of four things has occurred:

You’ve been ripped off by a scammer – Sadly there are a lot in this SEO industry, and if this has happened to you, we’re truly sorry – stopping these people is the reason our team is so passionate about Search Engine Optimization.
You were working with a website designer, developer, or marketing agency – SEO is a lot like brain surgery. It’s a very detailed, specific skillset that very few people truly possess. A lot of website design, marketing, or graphic design companies offer ‘SEO’ as a service, however they are not experienced in the craft. They are good at many things, but you don’t want your logo designer doing your SEO.
Your SEO company didn’t know what they were doing – This is much more common than you would think. You see, lots of people start ‘SEO’ companies after watching a few YouTube videos, or buying a £5 e-Book. They think that they can learn along the way, and sadly, they convince many business owners that they know what they are doing when they truly have no clue. SEO, is a skill set that takes decades to master and hiring a newbie disguised as a guru will leave you disappointed in your rankings.
Your company didn’t do enough to beat tough competition – If you paid £100, or even £200/month for SEO in the past, then chances are your campaign wasn’t aggressive enough, or have enough effort and resources required to beat out tough competition. As the saying goes, “If you think a professional is expensive, wait until you work with an amateur”.
Our SEO specialists can generally pinpoint with sniper like precision why your past campaign hasn’t worked in minutes. Our SEO team can look at all of your website statistics and compare them directly with your competitors. Let us show you why your SEO efforts in the past haven’t worked.

No. Our SEO team believes that if a company needs to lock you in with a long term contract, they aren’t confident in their abilities to delivery quality, effective work that will keep you happy with the results on a monthly basis.
We know that you’re busy running your business, so our SEO team has made getting started as easy as possible.Contact us for a free consultation. We’ll have a quick chat (over the phone or in-person), discuss your SEO investment & our team will send you over a quick questionaire. This generally takes about 15-minutes to fill out, and once it’s done, our SEO specialists will take over and will handle every aspect of your SEO, so you can return to running your business.
No, we don’t but we are happy to provide our expertise and educate you on the benefits of organic traffic through SEO.
You’ll receive a ranking report outlining your websites progress in the Google SERP results every month. This provides you with certainty in the early months that although you might not be seeing more phone calls yet, that you are indeed growing forward every single week, and that we will get you to the end result that you want and need.
Know that no one can guarantee you to rank #1 on Google.While many SEO companies guarantee a number-one ranking, Google ultimately makes that decision, and no SEO company has a special relationship with Google. Again, the relationship between a guarantee for top rankings and shady SEO companies is strong enough that Google recommends running away.Our guarantee is that nobody will work harder to get you the rankings you deserve than our SEO team.
While SEO isn’t dead, over the years, elements of it have either died or evolved into something totally new. As a result, outdated SEO tactics can now actively kill your rankings on Google.Contact us today and let us help you! Our SEO specialists are looking forward to the opportunity to work with you and achieving your goals in gaining organic traffic.

Resources for Mayfair residents and business owners:

View our custom Mayfair SEO Packages

View our custom Mayfair Logo Packages

Links for Mayfair business owners:

6 reasons why you should base your business in Mayfair

Why Heedee Studios Should Be Your SEO Team

Choosing Heedee Studios as your SEO team means opting for a holistic approach to digital success. Our expertise goes beyond traditional SEO practices; we craft comprehensive web pages enriched with high-quality content and captivating images. This dual strategy ensures that your website not only ranks on the first page but also offers a seamless and engaging user experience, keeping visitors on your site longer and converting more of them into customers.

In addition to top-notch content and visuals, we produce compelling videos, a critical component for boosting on-page SEO and user engagement. Videos not only enhance your website’s appeal but also improve your search engine rankings, as search engines favor dynamic and multimedia-rich sites.

Our dedicated backlink specialists work tirelessly to secure high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites, significantly enhancing your site’s credibility and visibility. High-quality backlinks are essential for improving your domain authority and driving more organic traffic to your site.

As a leading Marylebone SEO company, we integrate SEO with comprehensive content creation, visual storytelling, and strategic link-building, ensuring your website stands out in a crowded digital landscape. With Heedee Studios, you’re not just getting an SEO service; you’re partnering with a team committed to your overall online growth.

Let us help you achieve sustained success and a robust online presence. Learn more about the vibrant community of Marylebone and why our expertise as a Marylebone SEO company can elevate your business to new heights.

How the Process Starts

At Heedee Studios, our journey to getting you to the top of Google’s search results begins with a meticulously crafted process designed for success. 

First, we conduct thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-impact keywords for your business. This involves analyzing search volume, competition, and user intent to ensure we target the phrases that will drive the most valuable traffic to your site.

Next, we delve into a comprehensive competitor analysis. By examining your top competitors, we gain insights into what’s working in your industry and identify opportunities to create superior content. This step is crucial in understanding the competitive landscape and ensuring our strategies are one step ahead.

With our findings, we then create better content—informative, engaging, and optimized for both users and search engines. Our content development process focuses on delivering value to your audience while naturally incorporating the targeted keywords, ensuring your website stands out as an authoritative source in your field.

Our technical SEO specialists then get to work, meticulously optimizing your website’s structure and performance. From improving page load speeds to ensuring mobile-friendliness and fixing any crawl errors, we cover all aspects of technical SEO to ensure your site meets the highest standards set by search engines.

With these elements in place, the result is a powerful, optimized website ready to climb the search rankings. At Heedee Studios, our holistic approach ensures that when all these components come together, your website is not just on Google’s first page but is also positioned for sustained success. Let us guide you through this process and watch your online presence flourish.


Click either of the two buttons to get in touch with us. We look forward to learning more about you, your organization, and how we can help you achieve even greater success.